Full Moon: Journal Prompts

Regardless of whether you believe in full moon rituals, these journal prompts are here to help you release anything that is holding you back from the best version of yourself. If you’d prefer to skip straight to the prompts, go for it. Otherwise let’s talk about the moon and how we can use it as a tool to facilitate self-reflection and therefore, evolution. 

If you’ve been to one of my yoga classes around the full moon, you would have heard me speaking on why I love to work with the energy of the moon. Essentially, we know that the moon controls the tides and sea levels. For example, on a full moon, the tide is often full and high, sometimes known as “king tides”. As humans, we roughly consist 60% of water (our brains are roughly 70% water). So naturally, as sea levels ebb and flow with the gravitational pull of the moon, so does the water levels in our body, having a direct effect on our minds and emotional state. 

Sometimes around a full moon you may feel a little heavier, full to the brim with to do lists, ongoing thoughts, tension, stress, ect. Maybe a little more lethargic, drained and exhausted than your normal self. Personally, when I feel like this around a full moon I know there is something in my life I am ready to let go of. Something I need to release in order to move forward and evolve with greater clarity and understanding.

The trickiest part however, is identifying whatever it is that is holding us back. Hence, these journal prompts.

Find yourself a quiet space, a journal & pen, and potentially the “peaceful retreat” playlist on Spotify just for good measure. Ask yourself & answer the following:

In the past month, what or who took up the most amount of my energy? 

When in the past month did I feel fearful or hesitant? 

What in my life no longer serves me? 

What must I release in order to be the highest version of myself? 

* Keep your eyes peeled and minds open for some very exciting full moon events coming up soon…


Sound Bathing


Purpose: An Exercise