Purpose: An Exercise

Dharma translates to “right way of living” and “path of rightness”. To me, Dharma represents someone’s “purpose” “passion” or “calling”. Finding my personal Dharma was the bane of my existence for a solid seven years. In my sixth and final year of studying Law I gave up on worrying about not knowing what I wanted to do after realising it had achieved absolutely nothing. I sat on my bedroom floor, opened my journal and did the following exercise which then lead me to where I am now. If there’s a little voice in your heart letting you know you’re not in fulfilling your personal dharma, this exercise is for you - 

Buy a journal and title it: MY PURPOSE

Grab a pen and follow these prompts - 

  • Three words I want to feel about my work? 

  • If money wasn’t an issue, what would my dream job look like? 

  • If no one was looking or judging, what would my dream job look like? 

  • What are my fears about pursuing this career? 

Then write: I have complete TRUST that opportunities will come my way to steer me in the direction of my ultimate purpose. I am open and ready for any challenges that come my way. I release old thought patterns and limiting beliefs I have had up to this moment about not knowing what I want to do in this world. I am so grateful for this new chapter. 

Go about your normal life. WATCH and LISTEN for opportunities and doors that begin to open. They may not be obvious, or handed to you on a silver platter. They may require stepping out of your comfort zone, investing time and money into the unknown and a lot of courage. As humans we always have the option to EVOLVE or REPEAT.

If you’re looking for a sign to take a leap of faith in yourself to evolve as a person, this is it. 

Let me know how you go,

All my love x


Full Moon: Journal Prompts


Death By Stress