Sound Bathing

Before we delve into the mysterious and wonderful world of sound healing, I encourage you to come into this diary extract with an open mind. Crystal sound bowls are definitely not everyone’s cup of tea! However, if you are looking to enhance or maybe begin your meditation journey and/or spiritual practices this may spark a light inside! 

The concept of sound therapy originated in Tibet over 6000 years ago in the Far East. This ancient tradition has since been utilised to enhance and deepen meditation and assist the body in slowing down brain wave patterns, inducing a greater amount of delta wave activity in the brain. Delta activity is the lowest recorded brain waves in human beings and are most commonly found in infants and young children. This state of the brain is associated with the deepest level of relaxation, cellular restoration, healing and sleep. When our brain enters into a state of delta, our parasympathetic nervous system kicks in which is responsible for our digestion, healing and sleep. Living fast-paced contemporary lives, many of us (including myself) find it hard to ‘switch off’ or fully relax even when we’re resting. This is a result of the body struggling to shift into your parasympathetic nervous system. That’s when tools such as crystal sound bowls can come in handy, to assist and guide you into a more relaxed and ultimately, meditative state.

The easiest and most accessible way to access crystal sound bowls is through music. My favourite time to listen to crystal bowls is when I’m struggling to meditate or if I’m zooming around in my car, with little patience and breaks... They soothe me, ground me, center me, and remind me that life doesn’t have to travel at a million miles per hour. On my Spotify, the playlist ‘Sound Bath’ has some of my favourites!

All my love and light, 

Jess xxx


New Moon


Full Moon: Journal Prompts