Dry Body Brushing: A Love Story

Body Brushing is one of my favourite new wellness rituals. When I first started dry brushing, I found it fairly uncomfortable, scratchy and didn’t care much for the cellulite removing claims. This all changed when I came off birth control and felt my body changing rapidly. I was holding pockets of fluid, my skin felt tight, I felt bloated & far heavier in generally.

Movement has always been my release when I’ve felt stagnant and stubborn energy in the body. As well my other wellness practices, I started incorporating dry brushing after my showers or in the sauna. After around two weeks, I felt a noticeable difference. It’s hard to put it into words, but the tingly sensation I got after a dry brushing session reminded me of how I would feel after a hot yoga session – a feeling of circulation, openness, energetic movement throughout the body even when I was completely still.

Safe to say my relationship with my dry brush has completely changed, and I now use it as an integral tool of my wellness routine.


1.     Stimulates lymphatic flow & increases blood circulation

Lympathtic drainage is probably the biggest benefit! Unlike the circulatory system, our lymphatics don’t have a drainage mechanism. This means sometimes we need to give it a little extra love and attention if we feel were holding fluid or tightness in the body (particularly around the ankles and lower belly). Dry body brushing stimulates the normal lymph flow and increasing blood circulation within the body, assisting in more efficient lymopathic drainage.


2.     Detoxifies & improves digestion

The skin is our largest eliminative organ in our body. Dry body brushing is a major player in the detox process as it stimulates your lymphatic system and helps to release toxins. Many detox programs and experts across the globe have been using this age old practice for many years and support its methods.


3.     Firms skin

By exfoliating with the body brush, we’re able to slough away dead, dry surface cells. Removing dead skin layers allows the body to breath, leaving you with smoother and even-toned skin tones.


4.     Mindfulness & Manifestation Benefits.

Brushing helps to balance the autonomic nervous system, which supports adrenal function by reducing stress. When you have relaxing, soothing, tactile input that’s stimulating the nerves in the right way, it calms the brain. Taking just 5 minutes to dry body brush in a meditative way using your breath can help you feel more grounded and connected. Re-establishing this connection with yourself daily can be extremely powerful. Additionally, I love to use dry brushing as a technique of moving stagnant energy through the body. The more we can move energy through us, the more we’re able to easy and efficiently manifest whatever it is we’re trying to call in. Call me woo woo, but it bloody works.


Linked below is the dry brush I use and absolutely adore.


Stass And Co

I hope this simple, all natural practice is as beneficial for your little bodies as it is mine.

With love,

Jess xxx


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