Detox your liver, Detox your life

The very thought that’s on all of our minds coming out of the silly season and into the New Year… Time to cleanse, detox, incorporate healthier and more balanced habits into 2023. The liver is the most important organ for detoxification in the body. It filters out heavy metals, chemicals, fungicides, radiation and onto of that, metabolises proteins, carbohydrates and fats. An overtaxed liver can lead to a slow and congested system, fatigue, low serotonin levels, acne and hormonal imbalances. Here are some ways you can help heal and cleanse the liver:

  • Set boundaries with alcohol and other toxins you may tend to indulge in, particularly over the silly season. Sit down with you diary and write out some of the toxins you need to cut down over the next six weeks, and ways you can do this.

  • Steaming, poaching, braising and roasting soups and stews are great for detoxification. If you have a sensitive digestive system, you’ll want to cook your foods in a slow and gradual way.

  • VEGGIES and LOADS of them:

    • Beetroot

    • Carrots

    • Avo’s

    • Tomatoes

    • Leafy greens

    • Cruciferous veggies

  • On an energetic level, the liver is responsible for releasing and letting go of pent up aggression, sadness and toxic patterns. One way to work on releasing is through a psychical practice such as yoga, running, swimming, anything that encourages continuous flow, sweat and movement.

  • An energetic practice is to notice what environments and people shift your moods. By noticing this, we can start to protect our inner peace by avoiding polluted environments or people who drain our energy rather than fill it back up.

  • With any form of detox, it’s also so important to prioritise rest. Listen to the body when it needs more stillness, a nap, a lazy day, this will assist the body and adrenals healing mechanisms and speed up your cleanse.

  • If you’re not out sweating through your workouts, I also love using infrared saunas to assist the detofixation process. Purchase a pack from your closest City Cave, get a good book, and turn it into a weekly ritual during your cleanse.

  • Be KIND with yourself, let go of judgement and slowly witness the body come back to it’s natural state - flourishing, energised, alignment

Good luck and big love,



Ceremonial Cacao


Manifestation Affirmations