Journal Entry with Lisa Nicolaisen

Get to know the beautiful Lisa, one of our upcoming retreat collaborators and real life angel. Lisa is currently based in Perth, WA and is an online and in person pilates, stretch and wellness coach.

What are you most excited about for our upcoming Pilates Wellness Retreat?

I’m very lucky to say that I love what I do so teaching doesn’t necessarily feel like work to me, so to be able to do what I love and also experience and connect on this retreat is what excites me most. I’m also so excited to meet all of the beautiful girls and share my passion and knowledge in such a beautiful place.

Why do you love hosting retreats?

Nothing beats the feeling of connecting and sharing my love for all things pilates and wellness with like minded people. Bringing everyone together and creating bonds that will last a lifetime is something I will always cherish.

What is the difference between yoga and pilates?

Pilates and yoga have a lot of similarities but the movement approach in both of these techniques vary. Yoga is a holistic discipline that emphasises the connection of the mind, body and spirit and in a yoga class you tend to hold and flow through deeper stretches. Whereas Pilates is a type of workout that places a strong emphasis on balanced muscles, proper posture and core stability. They are two incredibly beneficial types of exercise that focus on proper breathing and a strong mind-body connection that will release stress and tension in the body.

Your favourite new wellness hack?

My morning cocktail (but not your average and maybe not as tasty) BUT its doing wonders to my skin and gut. I have been mixing greens power, collagen and aloe vera juice in a glass of water and making sure I drink it on an empty stomach before my morning coffee or matcha. My favourite greens and collagen is from naked harvest. Use code ‘LISANICOLAISEN’ for 15% off their full sized products!

How do you avoid body comparison?

A quote I always like to come back to when I find myself negatively comparing myself to others is; ‘comparison is the thief of joy’. It’s only human to compare and have ad days so here are some things that I like to do to switch my mindset:

  • Detox and filter social media

  • Avoid mindlessly scrolling and comparing someone’s ‘highlight reel’

  • Practice gratitude and self love

  • List all of the things that my body allows me to do everyday

One piece of advice you’d give to someone interested in trying pilates for the first time?

That we all start somewhere. The beauty of pilates is that it’s for everyone, no matters your age, gender or fitness level. Modifications will always be given so take the class at your own pace and never compare to what the person next to you is doing. We all have our strengths and weaknesses.


Journal Entry with Mia Labo


Wellness Retreat: a day in the life