Journal Entry with THE WOOED

Founder of THE WOOED Tika Mcdonald has shared her story with stress and the rituals and tools she’s developed over her journey, to navigate this epidemic.

“Since I was a child, my nervous system was in a really activated state. Going through school while working every weekend, then after school, going straight into a demanding full-time job. It wasn’t until I reached my mid-twenties and experienced full mental and physical burn-out that I realised I had spent my whole life rushing. Living ‘under the pump’ of a patriarchal society, addicted to the rush of adrenalin that hits when you skip lunch because your day is jam packed and you have a deadline due.I know I’m not alone in this. I speak with so many women, men, even children that share this experience or can relate in some way. The truth of the matter is that prolonged stress is an epidemic. In Australia over 70% of people report feeling burnt out or experiencing chronic stress.

I often have people ask me, “isn’t stress beneficial? It helps you push past your comfort zone.” While the answer is yes, that certainly can be true. What actually has the most impact is how the stress makes you FEEL and how quickly you’re able to return to a state of equilibrium. Does the stress make you nervous, maybe a little excited, then once you overcome the stress you feel a sence of personal satisfaction as you settle into some hard earned RnR? Or does the stress sometimes feel overwhelming, exhausting, and tends to drag out for days, weeks or months?

Of the two, the latter is what we call ‘prolonged’ or ‘chronic stress’. When we perceive a threat (stress trigger) our brain releases hormones like adrenaline and cortisol that allow us to enter a state of ‘fight or flight’. In this state, biologically designed to keep us safe, all functions of the body are suppressed as our innate intelligence reserves all energy to help get us away from the threat. What happens when all natural processes within the body are suppressed for a prolonged period of time? Well, you may end up with some of the below symptoms, or perhaps like me, you end up with all of them.

·      Anxiety / mood imbalances

·      Skin breakouts / acne

·      Digestive issues

·      Irregular periods / fertility issues

·      Unexplained weight gain / water retention

·      Brain fog / difficulty retaining information

So what can we do to chill TF out?

Herbalism has shown me the importance of a holistic approach to healing that goes far beyond plants. It’s about living in rhythm with the natural cycles of our inner and outer landscape. When we learn to live in harmony with these aspects, everything else falls into place.

When it comes to finding balance and living as our most vibrant expression, I truly believe everything we need is found within nature or within ourselves (reminder: we are nature). Below are some of the stress supporting rituals I practise daily, that have supported me in managing my nervous system and developing a deeper connection with myself and the natural world around me.  

Adaptogens & Nervines

Plants are the original medicine and biggest allies when it comes to healing. Adaptogens and Nervines are categories of herbs that describe a particular healing action that these plants possess. Adaptogens help the body adapt to internal and external stress to maintain a state of equilibrium. I think of them as helping to build a strong foundation, so we’re not so easily swayed when challenges arise. Some of my favourite adaptogens are Ashwagandha, Rhodiola and Schisandra. Nervines comprise of three categories – Stimulants, Sedatives, and Restoratives. When dealing with prolonged stress Restorative Nervines are your best friend. They nourish and restore the nervous system, helping it regain strength and vitality.  Some of my favourites are Bacopa, Ashwagandha and Lemon Balm.

Exercise in Sync with your Cycle

I’m a firm believer that syncing your life with your cycle should be a priority for people that menstruate! Just as the Earth goes through 4 different seasons, so does our body. When we move against our natural hormone cycle, such as intense exercise when our bodies are needing gently movement, we are generating more cortisol that keeps us locked in the stress cycle. My biggest tip for stress is to familiarise yourself with your cycle and adjust your life accordingly!

Body Oiling

I swear body oiling is natural medicine’s best kept secret and the most underrated self-care practice! When oil is infused with herbs, the medicine from the herbs can enter the body much faster and the effects felt almost instantly. Right beneath the skin lays the nervous system and when your skin is dry and deficient, so too is your nervous system! Think of your skin as the juicy barrier that contains your nervous system and keeps it communicating efficiently. When it’s dry and brittle the communication is much slower. Body Oiling is also the best form of self-massage - easing tension stimulating circulation, lymphatic draining, and a deeper awareness of your body.

I love supporting this process with our sustainable sourced Indian Sandalwood Dry Body Brush and Lymphatic Paddle to stimulated circulation, lymphatic flow and whole body exfoliation. Follow this practice with our Seize The Day body oil for the ultimate nervous system nourishment.”

 Eat Seasonally, Eat Locally

This is something I’m very, very passionate about… Nature is far more intelligent than we often give it credit for, and given the right conditions, will actually produce the exact nutrients that is needed in its local environment. For example, citrus season is in winter, when our body needs the Vitamin C to get through flu season. Sprouts and leady greens are thriving in Spring, as we transition out of hibernation looking for lighter foods rich in nutrients and chlorophyll. When we eat seasonal food grown in our local environment, we are eating the exact nutrients our bodies are needing. Organic or spray free is also really important to ensure we’re limiting the toxic load of hormone disrupting chemicals entering our body.”

Tika and I have co-created a Stress Support Ritual series, to offer you a slither of peace for your nervous system, body and soul. To book, please visit the ‘Bookings’ Section on my website.

All our love,

Jess &



A letter to your younger self


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