
The easiest way to trick your brain… simple as that.

Interrupt your repetitive, old thought patterns with some of my favourite affirmations. Think them, write them, stick them, sing them, meditate on them and eventually, BELIEVE THEM!

◦ I am powerful, I am capable, I am worthy, I am enough 

◦ I am filled with unconditional love and kindness 

◦ I am light, I am clear, I am energised 

◦ Whatever is meant for me, will be 

◦ I am full, content and at peace 

◦ I do not chase, I attract

◦ I am fearless, fulfilled and determined 

◦ I am healthy, I am happy, I am whole

Hopefully one of these is up on your bathroom mirror by the morning. Take a pic and tag me. We can be crazy affirmation pixies together.

With love & a little sprinkle of fairy dust,

Jess x


Winter Wellness


Immune Boosting Foods