Forgiveness Letter

Forgiveness is pretty confronting. Sometimes in my classes we work through this topic and the shift I witness in my students is remarkable. The power of moving on, letting go and making peace with your past relationships is not only overwhelmingly empowering, but also helps make space in your heart, mind and body for new and exciting opportunities. This simple exercise has the power to shift your mindset, vibration and perspective. 

Find a quiet place, turn your phone off, grab a box of tissues and a pen and paper. Address the letter to a person who has hurt you the most in your life. Write down all the things they did, how they made you feel and the events you hold onto the most.

Then write down all the things this person taught you. How much you grew from the challenges they presented you. Thank them for moulding you into the person you are today, for the moral values and strengths you developed as a direct result of the hurt they caused. Tell them you forgive them. 

Hold your hands to your heart and take a deep inhale through your nose, open your mouth and audibly exhale… everything… out. 

Dispose the letter. Feel the freedom.


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